In a surprising turn of events, Marvel Entertainment has announced that an Inhumans television series will debut this upcoming fall. Working in partnership with The IMAX corporation, ABC studies will be producing an eight-episode series shot entirely in the IMAX format. The first two episodes will be shown at IMAX theaters across the country for a two-week run before airing on the ABC network.
According to the press release from, the series will focus on The Royal Family of Old Attilan, introducing viewers to Black Bolt, Medusa, Crystal, Maximus, Karnak, Gorgon, Triton, and of course Lockjaw. Exactly who will be portraying these characters has yet to be revealed, yet if the series is indeed to debut in September then filming will need to begin soon, so expect casting announcements in the near future.
This will be IMAX’s first foray into broadcast television and the first TV show to be shot entirely on IMAX cameras. It’s an innovative endeavor that ABC surely hopes will reinvigorate the draw of network television.
The series is being billed as a ‘family action-adventure with signature Marvel humor, set in the present day, with some action taking place on the moon.’ While the concept of Inhumans has been addressed in ABC’s current show, Marvel’s Agents of Shield, it remains unknown whether or not there will be a direct connection between AoS and this new Inhumans series.
New developments will be reported as soon as it comes in.