Today Marvel announced via Screenrant that a new Inhuman one shot – Inhumans Prime – is to be released this Spring. Written by Al Ewing and with art by Ryan Sook, the issue will take place after the events of IvX and will be a launch pad for the three new Inhumans titles announced last month – Royals, Black Bolt, and Secret Warriors.
In an interview with Marvel editors Wil Moss and Charles Beechum, we got quite a bit more insight as to what’s in store for the Inhumans during RessurXion. Charles Beechum states “It’s really what sets the landscape for the Inhumans Universe going forward. So this Inhumans Prime one shot is setting up that story and showing where the Royals are and what’s happening for them as they decide to go off on this adventure: where these other Inhumans are; why they have this need to form this team together. Kind of sets up Black Bolt‘s new status quo and teases where we’re going to find him when his book starts. Just setting the landscape, laying the groundwork for what things are going to look like in April and May and going forward.”
Aside from some insight as to what is in store for the Royal Family and Nuhumans alike, the article also contains some pretty great character concept art by Royals artist Jonboy Meyers (such as this one of Crystal):
You’ll want to visit ScreenRant for the entire interview, but it’s pretty clear that this issue is probably going to be a Must Read for any Inhumans fan. Make sure you pre-order a copy at your LCS!