A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P – Q – R – S – T – U – V – W – X – Y – Z
An Inhuman with orange skin, spiky protrusions on the sides of his head and slightly reptilian facial features. Oboroth had been a former citizen of old Attilan and a zealous advocate for maintaining the old ways of Inhuman spiritual customs. When the X-Men were visiting Attilan, the Mutant, Nightcrawler, had accidentally ventured into the temple of Randac. Once caught, Oboroth demanded of King Black Bolt and Queen Medusa that the trespasser be punished with extreme prejudice immediately. Medusa was having none of Oboroth’s hysteria and insisted that a fair trial be conducted where cooler heads might prevail. In the end, Nightcrawler was exonerated for his alleged crime, much to Oboroth’s chagrin.
This was Oboroth’s sole appearance and his current status and whereabouts remain unknown.
Omega The Ultimate Alpha
Not so much an Inhuman per se, but rather an artificial construct that appeared as a giant, mechanical version of an Alpha Primitive. This android was built by Maximus and was fueled by the collective unconscious guilt felt by The inhumans of Attilan over their use of clone-based slaves as a labor force. I guess guilt makes for good robot fuel…
Maximus created this android in one of his many birds to unseat his brother and take the throne of Attilan as his own. Crystal was ultimately able to ascertain the power-source fueling this android and, with the assistance of the Fantastic Force, they were able to defeat and destroy the android. Soon thereafter, King Black Bolt put forth a royal decree ordering that the Alpha Primitives be freed from their enslavement. An uneasy peace has continued between the Inhumans and their Alpha Primitive brothers (although the fate of the Alphas remain unknown following the fall of Attilan during the Infinity Event).
The android body of Omega was reanimated on two subsequent occasions. First, the shell of the android was used as a home for the consciousness of the Avengers’ foe, Ultron IV. The Inhumans and Avengers had to work together to put an end to Ultron’s evil schemes. Later, while Attilan was relocated on the Kree planet of Kon-Tar, Medusa had Maximus secretly created a new version of Omega which was used as part of a ploy to quell unrest among the Kree people and reaffirm the Kree’s sense of reliance on their Inhuman lords.
Onomi Whitemane
The current Queen of the Kymellians and ceremonial bride of Black Bolt. Queen Whitemane is a Universal Inhuman, one of a number of different alien species whom the Kree had subjected to the same Terrigenic experiments as Earth’s Inhumans. As part of a Celestial Prophecy, the regents of these diverse cosmic Inhumans came together and chose Black Bolt as their king and leader.
Medusa was none too pleased at having to share her husband with several new wives, but it was implied that the marriage between Black Bolt and his Universal Queens was strictly ceremonial and not a matter that was consummated (or at least I hope that was the case).
Black Bolt disbanded The Court of The Universal Inhumans once the Kree were defeated and their invasion of Earth repelled. The marriage between Black Bolt and Queen Whitemane was annulled and she and her fellow queens returned to their respective home-worlds to govern over their peoples.
Oola Udonta
The current Queen of the Centaurians and the one-time ceremonial bride of Black Bolt. Queen Udonta is a Universal Inhuman, one of a number of different alien species whom the Kree had subjected to the same Terrigenic experiments as Earth’s Inhumans. As part of a Celestial Prophecy, the regents of these diverse cosmic Inhumans came together and chose Black Bolt as their king and leader.
Medusa was none too pleased at having to share her husband with several new wives, but it was implied that the marriage between Black Bolt and his Universal Queens was strictly ceremonial and not a matter that was consummated (or at least I hope that was the case).
Black Bolt disbanded The Court of The Universal Inhumans once the Kree were defeated and their invasion of Earth repelled. The marriage between Black Bolt and Queen Udonta was annulled and she and her fellow queens returned to their respective home-worlds to govern over their peoples.
An Inhuman with an essentially human-like appearance save for yellow within yellow eyes. He possessed telepathic powers as well as a keen ability to read and interpret body language and other forms of non-verbal communication.
Oracle was assigned by the Genetic Council to act as Black Bolt’s ‘voice of the king.’ Black Bolt much preferred to have Medusa fulfill this role, but there were instances where Medusa was unavailable and during these times he used Oracle to relay his commands.
Once Black Bolt and Medusa were married, Oracle’s position as voice of the king was fully dissolved and his abilities for telepathy were put to use elsewhere in the governance. His current status and whereabouts remain unknown.
A particularly attractive Inhuman with flora-like hair. She was infatuated with Crystal’s husband, Quicksilver, and attempted to seduce him.
Quicksilver politely rebuffed the offer, but was soon thereafter accused of having stolen the Royal Scepter. While on the run from The Royal Guard, Quicksilver came across Ozel and she offered to hide him in her living quarters. As it turns out, however, Ozel was actually conspiring to betray Quicksilver, alerting his presence to the Royal Guard in exchange for a reward.
After Quicksilver ultimately apprehended the true culprit for stealing the scepter, the villainous Aerio, there was some indication that Aerio and Ozel might have been in cahoots together in this plot to steal the scepter and pin the blame on Quicksilver. Whether or not Ozel was ever charged with a crime as well as her current status and whereabouts all remain unknown.